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How Much is Abuja to Enugu by Road?

How Much is Abuja to Enugu by Road?

First of all, how much is Abuja to Enugu by road?

If you are looking for a sleeker, faster, and more comfortable means of going from Abuja to Enugu, road transport is definitely not your best choice. However, a number of reasons may require that you travel by road, and hence we have provided an answer to “how much is Abuja to Enugu by road?” for you.

Before you embark on your Abuja – Enugu trip, here are a few necessary pieces of information that you need to be mindful of.

How Much is Abuja to Enugu by Road?

It is always difficult to estimate the exact cost of transportation from Abuja to Enugu by road. However, the information we have for you here below will serve as a basis to make an informed judgment, leading to an informed decision.

The bus ticket prices for the notable transport companies plying the Abuja to Enugu route are given below:

ABC Transport

GUO Transport

Good is Good Motors (GIGM)

  • Take Off Time: 06:20 am, 06:50 am, and 07:20 am
  • Price: $23 – $24 (N10,000 to N11,000)
  • Booking Website:

These ticket prices can be used to estimate the prices for other transport companies as well. Prices may also slightly vary, as peak travel times such as festive seasons cost a little higher than normal.

Then, a national crisis like fuel scarcity should also be considered.

How long is Abuja to Enugu by Road?

The duration of the total journey from Abuja to Enugu depends on a number of factors, but the major factor is the route taken. Other factors like speed, condition of the vehicle, and take-off time also matter.

On average, you are expected to spend between 7 to 11 hours on this journey. The fastest route is Enugu to Abuja via Lokoja road which takes approximately 7 hours and 13 minutes, ceteris paribus.

Some Important Travel Tips

As you are traveling on this road, there are important travel tips that we would want you to always consider.

Consider the following while traveling:

  • If you make it early to the bus terminal, we suggest you sit beside the window
  • Carry a sweater or scarf just in case of changes in the weather
  • Take some pain relievers, bumps and hold-ups are bound to cause you some headache
  • Keep an eye on your luggage
  • Read signposts to know your bearings. Ask the driver and other passengers for clarification
  • Keep someone at your destination abreast via text messages or calls.


We don’t usually bug you with much reading.

From the above, you must have been able to pick the basic information you require on the cost of transportation from Abuja to Enugu by road. If you want to take the fast lane, consider taking a flight.

Around Abuja is the one-stop traveling and relocation guide website you can trust. We hope our articles speak well for you.

Do enjoy your trip and have a safe one.

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