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How far is Abuja to Dutse?

How far is Abuja to Dutse?

In this article, we take a look at the distance from Abuja to Dutse. The information provided here will be a brief and complete answer to the question about your journey from Abuja to Dutse by road and air.

 The next section highlights a few quick tips to keep handy.

Quick Facts

  • Distance by road: 518.3 km
  • Distance by Air: 195 nautical miles
  • Fastest Route: Via Kaduna – Kano Rd/Zaria Rd/A2
  • Time Duration by Road: 8hr12 min
  • Time Duration by Air: 4 hr 11 min
  • Bus Ticket Price: $20 – $25
  • Flight Ticket Price: $181 – $217

How Many Hours is a journey to Dutse from Abuja by Road?

It will take approximately 8 hours and 12 minutes to ply the 518 km Abuja to Dutse road. The fastest route to follow should be the Kaduna – Kano Rd/Zaria Rd/A2 route. This is not always the case as there are occasional delays due to the following reasons:

  • State of the roads
  • Route taken
  • Weather conditions at the time of travel
  • Mechanical faults.

How Many Hours is Dutse from Abuja by Air?

It takes approximately 4 hours and 11 minutes to travel from Abuja to Dutse, over a distance of 195 nautical miles.

How much is Abuja to Jigawa by Road?

Depending on all other factors, the journey from Abuja to Dutse, Jigawa State will cost between $20 and $25. The journey is stretched over some 518.3 km. this price could change from time to time due to the following reasons:

  • Fuel pump price at the time of travel.
  • The type of Vehicle you are traveling with.
  • Festivity periods
  • The number of buses available.

How much is Abuja to Jigawa by Air?

A journey from Abuja to Dutse by flight costs from $181 to $217 depending on the flight company and the travel period.

What to Consider when Choosing Abuja to Dutse

Here are a few things to consider when choosing a bus for your Abuja-Dutse trip.


The route which the bus takes is a very important determinant factor when considering the bus to choose and if it would reach its destination safely. If they are taking alternative routes apart from the one you know, seek out answers as to why.

If you are not sure about the route the bus is taking and clear explanations are not given to you as to why we would advise you to go to another company.


There are so many transport companies to this same destination and each company charges bus fares based on the services it offers, we would advise that you go with the transport company that you can afford without breaking a sweat.


If you want to get to Dutse early, then you must consider buses with early take-off times. Late buses will cause unnecessary delays which may affect the time you will eventually get to your destination. You would not want to be stranded just because you arrived late and could not get a cab to your destination, would you?


Check for extra packages offered by the driving company that will enhance your comfort and convenience. While you are in it, don’t forget that these extra services come with an extra price, but it would be worth it.

Important Travel Tips

We have a couple of suggestions, especially for people visiting Dutse for the first time. Here we go:

  1. Be extra security conscious. Most highways in Nigeria today are no longer safe.
  2. On the night before the journey, make sure you get some sleep.
  3. Leave your house early for the bus terminal so that you will get to your destination early.
  4. Keep your valuables where you can see them. Only heavy luggage should be in the trunk.
  5. Do not over-socialize with some passengers. Some people appear friendly but have criminal intentions.
  6. Eat light food while traveling to avoid stomach discomfort and embarrassment.
  7. Maintain a steady communication flow both ways- that is with someone at home and the destination you are going.

Hope that this article helps in facilitating your trip from Abuja to Dutse.

With this says, enjoy your trip.

Visits: 4

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