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How far is Abuja to Jalingo?

How far is Abuja to Jalingo?

Are you planning to travel from Abuja to Jalingo and would want to know all concerning the distance between both states and the cost of making your journey? 

Then welcome, you have found the right place as we cover Abuja to Jalingo distance and other related travel information between the FCT and the capital of Taraba State.

Jalingo is the capital city of Taraba State, North-Eastern Nigeria. Taraba State has been nicknamed “nature’s gift to the nation” due to the abundance of natural resources and minerals in the state.

Before we go deep, here are a few details that shouldn’t escape your mind.

Quick Facts

  • Distance by road: 624.4 km
  • Distance by Air: 230 nautical miles
  • Shortest Route: Via A4
  • Travel Duration by Road: 11hr12 min
  • Travel duration by Air: 7 hr 9 min (including taxi from Gombe to Jalingo)
  • Bus Ticket Price: $33
  • Flight Ticket price: $237 – $297 (including taxi from Gombe to Jalingo)

How Many Hours does it take to Travel from Abuja to Taraba by Road?

Jalingo is some 624.4 km apart from Abuja, FCT. The total time required to cover this distance via A4 is approximately 11 hours and 12 minutes, though it may take longer due to some reasons such as:

  • Bad roads
  • Traffic and hold-ups
  • Route taken

How many Hours does it take to Travel from Abuja to Jalingo?

There is no airport in Jalingo thus flying directly to Jalingo from Abuja is impossible. However, you can fly to Gombe and then take a taxi to Jalingo, which takes 7 hours and 9 minutes.

How much is Transport Fare from Abuja to Jalingo?       

It will cost approximately $33 to travel from Abuja to Jalingo by road. This price, however, is subject to change due to a number of factors associated with traveling.

This is not always so as it may increase or decrease due to some factors:

  • Fuel pump prices at the time of travel
  • Number of available buses
  • Type of vehicle

Things to Consider When Choosing Abuja to Jalingo Bus

There are always things to consider before you embark on any journey. Notable things you need to put in the shadow before you embark on your Abuja to Jalingo voyage include the following:


Your budget should guide every other choice you are to make while traveling. It would be foolish to spend more than you can afford or suffer severe discomfort during your journey when you can afford better convenience.


There are three different routes that can be taken from Abuja to Jalingo, Taraba State. However, the shortest route that can get you to Jalingo from Abuja is via A4.

If for any reason there is going to be a diversion on this route, you should be informed right from the park. If you are ok with the move, you take the bus. Else, you look for another bus.

Location of Terminal

Choose transport companies that have bus terminals close to where you stay, this would save you the stress and additional costs of taking a taxi to a faraway terminal.


Your comfort must be a priority when considering a bus or even a transport company. You should find out if the seating arrangements are convenient if the buses are air-conditioned if the bus is strong enough to complete the journey without breaking down and many more.

Important Tips for Travelers

Just before we go, remember to:

  • Prepare and leave your house early.
  • Get some good sleep the night before the journey.
  • Make sure you empty your bowels before leaving your house in the morning.
  • Some face masks would be necessary in order to abide by Covid-19 travel restrictions.
  • Carry some extra clothing because of changes in weather.
  • Leave your house early even though it is a short trip.
  • Read signposts to know your whereabouts.
  • Remind the driver of your get-off destination as you are approaching the town.
  • Keep a good communication flow with someone at home or the destination you are headed to.
  • Be open to learning, as you will experience some little culture shock in the new environment.

Do have a stress-free journey, from all of us at

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