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How Much is Abuja to Bauchi by Road?

How Much is Abuja to Bauchi by Road?

To answer “how much is Abuja to Bauchi by road?”, we provided you with this interesting article. There’s almost an hourly influx of passengers plying the Abuja to Bauchi route daily and we have gathered just the right information you need for the journey.

Here’s a summary of what you need to know about traveling from Abuja to Bauchi.

Quick Facts

Distance: 395.1 km via A3

Shortest Route: Via A3

Travel Duration: 6 hr 34 min

Bus Ticket Price: $16 – $20

How Much is Abuja to Bauchi by Road?

The cost of transportation from Abuja to Bauchi is between $16 and $20 dollars. A number of factors may account for slight differences in the Abuja to Bauchi by road price.

Some notable factors include the Transport Company, type of vehicle, seating arrangement, fuel crisis, and seasonal demand for travel.

How long is Journey from Abuja to Bauchi by Road?

The total distance from Abuja to Bauchi on route A3 is approximately 395.1 km. The average driving them is 6 hours and 34 minutes. This time may, as always, be different as a result of so many factors.

Traveling from Abuja to Bauchi? Few Things to Consider

There are always things to consider before you embark on any journey. Notable things you need to put in the shadow before you embark on your Abuja to Bauchi voyage include the following:


Budget is very important when considering any journey. When planning on your Abuja to Bauchi trip, carefully plan well and select a transport company that suits your budget.


Although there is one main route from Abuja to Bauchi, some alternative routes still exist which motorists often ply for one reason or the other.

It is a good practice to make inquiries about the route you are going to take before embarking on the journey. This is a very notable factor to consider when choosing a bus from Abuja to Bauchi.

Location of Terminal

Pick a terminal that is located near your home. Don’t stress yourself as you are going to have quite a long way to go on the journey.


Buses with more convenience often charge higher than normal buses. While you are looking for convenience on this journey, pay attention to what you have already budgeted for the journey.

Important Tips for Travellers

Just before we go, remember to:

  • Always get some good sleep the night before the journey.
  • Make sure you empty your bowels before leaving your house in the morning.
  • Some face masks would be necessary in order to abide by Covid-19 travel restrictions.
  • Carry some extra clothing because of changes in weather.
  • Leave your house early even though it is a short trip.
  • Read signposts to know your whereabouts.
  • Remind the driver of your get-off destination as you are approaching the town.
  • Keep a good communication flow with someone at home or the destination you are headed to.
  • Be open to learning, as you will experience some little culture shock in the new environment.


The cheapest way to get to Bauchi is to travel from Abuja to Bauchi by bus.

We do hope you have found this article useful. Depending on how long you are staying in Bauchi, a visit to the Yankari Game Reserve is recommended. Even on tight schedules, you need some time off for leisure. cares.

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