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How Much is Abuja to Katsina by Road?

How Much is Abuja to Katsina by Road?

Do you want to know how much is Abuja to Katsina by road? Then you are in the right place.

Katsina is the capital city of Katsina State, located in North-Western Nigeria. It is a predominantly Hausa and Fulani state.

For those intending to travel from Abuja to Katsina, here’s a quick overview for you:

Abuja to Katsina by Road Quick Summary

  • Road Distance: 513.6 km
  • Route: Via Abuja – Katsina – Zaria Express Way/Romi-Gidan Busa – Dakwa Rd/A2
  • Duration: 7 hr 47 min
  • Bus Ticket Price: $19 – $28

How Much is Abuja to Katsina by Road?

The average Abuja to Katsina by road price is $19 to $28. Prices may slightly vary. Note that the cost of transportation from Abuja to Katsina varies slightly from time to time.

How long is the Bus from Abuja to Katsina?

The journey from Abuja to Katsina is spanning a distance of 513.6 km and it takes approximately 7 hours and 47 minutes to get to your destination.

Choosing a Transport Company

Travelers can control what they pay when traveling. You can decide pick from a list of Abuja to Katsina bus prices by considering the following factors.


How much you have in your pocket determines the kind of bus you will board. Always ensure that you stay within budget.

You are not competing with anybody, hence is no need to try to show off when it comes to traveling as most of the people you will meet in the park are strangers and may remain total strangers to you for life.


Is there a bus terminal for Abuja to Katsina that is located near your home? Go for it.

The proximity of the bus terminal to your home is very important when choosing a bus bound for Katsina from Abuja.


What are some of the things that ensure your convenience when traveling? You know yourself better, and those things will ensure your comfort.

Always go with what works best for you. Don’t just board any bus because you want to travel only to end up getting crammed inside the vehicle somewhere in the middle of the journey.

Tips for First-Timers

If this is your first time traveling from Abuja to Katsina, then here are a few tips for you:

  • Do not board any private car that is tinted, unless you know the owner.
  • Start the journey early, so that you get to your destination on time.
  • Get adapted to the culture. Katsina is one of the cities with a modest culture in Nigeria, which is mostly linked with Islamic injunctions. Always wear modest clothes. For women, loose-fitting clothes and scarves are recommended.
  • Seat by the window side so that you enjoy wandering scenery while on your journey.
  • Travel early. There are so many perils traveling during the night on Nigerian roads.
  • The predominant language in Katsina is Hausa. If you are not conversant with the language, try and be friendly with the people and you will always get someone to interpret for you.
  • Be polite and responsible, and most of all respect their religion.

Be careful when embarking on this journey as you will pass through the not-so-secure Abuja – Kaduna way. Always ensure that you take extra precautionary measures while traveling from Abuja to Katsina by road.

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