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How Much is Abuja to Osogbo by Road?

How Much is Abuja to Osogbo by Road?

How much is Abuja to Osogbo by road? This article answers this question and others concerning the cost, distance, routes, etc. as regards Abuja to Osogbo trip.

Although road transport is not the fastest and most convenient, traveling from Abuja to Osogbo by road offers you the opportunity to explore beautiful landscapes and scenery along the way.

Here are a few heads-up for someone traveling from Abuja to Osogbo, Osun State.

Quick Facts

Distance: 487.0 km

Route: Via A2

Time of Travel: 8 hr 34 min

Ticket Price: $30 – $40

How Much is Abuja to Osogbo by Road?

The average cost of transportation from Abuja to Osogbo is within the range of $30 – $40. The journey is stretched over some 487.0 km via A2.

How Many Hours Journey is Osogbo to Abuja by Road?

The total duration of the journey from Abuja to Osogbo is 8 hours and 34 minutes. This is the time taken to cover a distance of 487.0 km from Abuja to Osogbo.

What to Consider when Choosing a Bus from Abuja to Osogbo

Before you embark on your journey, you might want to consider factors to determine your choice of bus or transport company. The following are some of the things you need to put in mind:


You don’t really want to spend more than what your pocket can afford on this journey from Abuja to Osogbo. Check those transport companies that provide services that tally with your budget.

Also, don’t fall victim to boarding roadside vehicles because you want to cut down costs.


As it is with a long-distance journey, you need to make a good selection so as to avoid getting crammed in the vehicle during the trip. One of the things you should consider is the sitting arrangement; go for the one that works best for you.

The Proximity of Bus Terminal

Choose a bus terminal close to where you stay in Abuja. This will enable you to get to the park on time and pick the best sitting position.

Tips for First-Time Travellers

  • Ensure that you are extra cautious and security conscious. A lot is happening in Nigeria lately.
  • Board only registered vehicles from the park. This is obvious, but we need to reiterate it, the bus you should board should be from the terminal.
  • Empty your bowels before leaving your house.
  • Keep your most valuable possessions in sight. Only heavy luggage should get into the trunk.
  • Work towards making any of the window seats. Traveling is a form of mobile excursion.
  • Communication must be steady. Maintain two-way communication with both people at home and your destination.
  • For the sake of your health, always adhere to Covid-19 restrictions by wearing facemasks throughout the journey.
  • Fill in your personal information on the passenger manifesto sheet or booklet provided by the transport company.
  • Don’t take any delicacies during the journey, save the, for when you finally reach your destination.

We hope that this article helps in one way or the other to facilitate your journey from Abuja to Osogbo by road.

Enjoy your trip from all of us at

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