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How Much is Abuja to Yola by Road?

How Much is Abuja to Yola by Road?

If you want to travel from Abuja to Yola and want to find out how much is Abuja to Yola by road, then you will not just exit your browser without reading this article.

Yola is the capital city of Adamawa State, North-Eastern Nigeria. It is popularly known as the land of beauty, sunshine, and hospitality.

Before we go deep, a few details shouldn’t escape your mind.

Quick Facts

Distance: 786.3 km

Shortest Route: Via Gombe – Yola Rd/A345

Travel Duration: 12 hr 31 min

Bus Ticket Price: $28 – $40

How Much is Abuja to Yola by Road?

The cost of transportation from Abuja to Yola is between $28 and $40. The factors that may account for a variation in this bus price may include the transport company, nature of the vehicle, number of people sitting on a seat row, travel demand at the time, and so much more.

How long is Journey from Abuja to Yola by Road?

Abuja to Yola distance is approximately 786.3 km. This is the distance via the shortest route which takes you approximately 12 hr 31 min from the start to the finish of your Abuja-Yola trip.

Things to Consider When Choosing Abuja to Yola Bus

There are always things to consider before you embark on any journey. Notable things you need to put in the shadow before you embark on your Abuja to Yola voyage include the following:


Make a budget as a way to set things right. Different transport companies may change a little differently due to the kind of services they offer.

In your choice of a bus from Abuja to Yola, go for the one that is in tune with your budget.


There is only one major route from Abuja to Yola. If for any reason there may be alternative routes to be taken, inquire at the ticket purchase point.

Sometimes drivers take alternative routes for security reasons. Whatever the case, you should be in the known.

Location of Terminal

Most vehicles going to Yola from Abuja are located in Nyanya (Abuja) and Mararaba (Nassarawa) axis. That is not to say that there are no other terminals spread across the Abuja metropolis.

The idea is to always go for the terminal that is close to where you stay.


Some transport companies offer air-conditioned vehicles throughout the journey, while others can afford to offer passengers some snacks along the way.

Whatever the case, stick to what is convenient for you.

Important Tips for Travellers

Just before we go, remember to:

  • Prepare and leave your house early.
  • Get some good sleep the night before the journey.
  • Make sure you empty your bowels before leaving your house in the morning.
  • Some face masks would be necessary in order to abide by Covid-19 travel restrictions.
  • Carry some extra clothing because of changes in weather.
  • Leave your house early even though it is a short trip.
  • Read signposts to know your whereabouts.
  • Remind the driver of your get-off destination as you are approaching the town.
  • Keep a good communication flow with someone at home or the destination you are headed to.
  • Be open to learning, as you will experience some little culture shock in the new environment.

Do have a stress-free journey, from all of us at

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