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How many hours is Kaduna to Abuja by Road?

How many hours is Kaduna to Abuja by Road?

If you are intending to travel from Kaduna to Abuja, one of the questions you would most probably ask yourself is: “how many hours is Kaduna to Abuja by road?” You are not alone; a lot of people also ask this too.

So, for you and your “related–question buddies”, all you need to do is seat back and read through this article.

But as usual in our series of articles, we wouldn’t want to waste much of your time without telling you the basics you need to know concerning traveling from Kaduna to Abuja by road.

Kaduna to Abuja by Road Quick Summary

  • Fastest Route: Abuja – Kaduna – Zaria Express Way/Romi-Gidan Busa-Dawka Road/A2
  • Driving Time: 3 hours and 2 minutes
  • Driving Distance: 191.0 km

Travel Time from Kaduna to Abuja

Depending on a number of factors, the time it takes to travel from Kaduna to Abuja by road varies. But on average, it will take you approximately 3 hours and 2 minutes to ply this route.

Factors that may affect the travel time would normally include one of the following:

  • The situation on the road (potholes, illegal checks)
  • Traffic jams, roadblocks, and other traffic inconsistencies
  • Weather condition
  • Speed of the vehicle
  • The driver’s skills
  • The nature of the vehicle and engine strength

In addition, some routes seem to be slower than others. So depending on the route you (or your driver) take, you may end up arriving a couple of minutes (or even getting to an hour) late.

Cost of Travelling from Kaduna to Abuja by Road

The average cost of transportation from Kaduna to Abuja is between $10 and $12. This is a short distance journey and normally doesn’t cost much if you are going by bus.

The cost tends to be slightly different if you are going by taxi, for instance.  Other additional factors that may affect the cost of transportation include:

  • The transport company in question
  • Conditions like fuel scarcity
  • The season in which you are traveling
  • The nature of seating arrangement in the bus
  • The nature or type of the vehicle
  • Other convenience factors such as air-conditioning and the rest.

What is the Distance between Kaduna and Abuja by road?

Kaduna and Abuja are two adjacent cities, and hence the distance is very short. Approximately, the distance between the two cities is 191.0 km.

This travel distance between Kaduna and Abuja is the distance it takes to reach your destination via the Abuja – Kaduna – Zaria Express Way/Romi-Gidan Busa-Dawka Road/A2 route. Note that this is the shortest route there is, and as such the distance on other routes might be a little bit longer.


Recently, the condition of the Kaduna – Abuja has not been the same since the train attack and incidents of kidnapping. As a result, you need to be extra careful and security conscious when plying this road.

However, the case is, we have answered your lingering question concerning the number of hours taken to travel from Kaduna to Abuja. With this in mind, we advise that you set out early for your journey. Safe Travels to Abuja.

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