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What is the Distance from Abuja to Gombe?

What is the Distance from Abuja to Gombe?

In this article, you will see the distance from Abuja to Gombe either by road or air. This is in addition to the cost of transportation and other information you will need for the journey.

Gombe city is the capital of Gombe State and is located in the North Eastern part of Nigeria. The state got its slogan as the Jewel in Savannah.

If you are traveling from Abuja to Gombe for any reason, here are some quick facts you need to be aware of.

Quick Facts

  • Distance by road: 548.8 km
  • Distance by air: 426 kilometers (230 nautical miles)
  • Shortest Route: Via Bauchi – Gombe Rd/A345
  • Travel Duration by Road: 8 hr 51 min
  • Travel duration by Air:  1 hr 10 min
  • Bus Ticket Price: $19 – $25
  • Flight Ticket Price: $170 – $203

What is the Cost of the Journey from Abuja to Gombe by Air?

 A direct flight from Abuja to Gombe would cost from $170 – $203 depending on the airline you are patronizing.

How Long is the Journey from Abuja to Gombe by Road

Abuja to Gombe is approximately 548.8 km and it takes about 8 hours and 51 minutes to get to your destination via the Bauchi – Gombe Rd/A345 route.

Taking other routes may mean additional time to be spent, as we are not sure of any shorter routes to get to Gombe from Abuja.

How Long Is The Journey From Abuja To Gombe by Air?

 On average a flight from Abuja to Gombe would take about 3 hours and 14 minutes, over a distance of 230 nautical miles.

What is the Cost of the Journey from Abuja to Gombe by Road?

What to find out how much is transportation from Abuja to Gombe? Here’s your answer.

The journey from Abuja to Gombe will cost you between $19 and $25. As always, changes are bound due to certain conditions.

Things to Consider When Travelling from Abuja to Gombe

There are always things to consider before you embark on your journey from Abuja to Gombe. It could include the following:


We believe that you have already made your budget allocation for your Abuja to Gombe trip. Just make sure that you keep to that budget also remember to add some extra cash to the budget, and also make provision for some light snacks.


The level of insecurity in the country has deemed some roads in the country unsafe thus you should always ask at the ticket desk which route the bus you are boarding would take during the journey. If you have reservations or think such routes are not safe, look for other alternatives.


It is advisable to choose bus terminals that are closest to where you live as this would save you some precious time and extra monies that can be useful elsewhere.


Consider the seating arrangement for the different transport companies before deciding to board their vehicle. This will allow you to enjoy the journey without getting sandwiched between other passengers. Extra comfort attracts extra costs but is worth every penny spent.


Just before we go, remember to:

  • Always get some good sleep on the night before the journey.
  • Make sure you empty your bowels before leaving your house in the morning.
  • Some face masks would be necessary in order to abide by Covid-19 travel restrictions.
  • While traveling during rainy seasons, ensure you have an extra sweater or cardigan at arm’s length in case of a change of weather.
  • Leave your house early even if it is a short trip.
  • Read signposts along the road to know your whereabouts.
  • Keep a good communication flow with someone at home or the destination you are headed to.
  • Be open to learning, as you will experience some little culture shock in the new environment.

Do have a stress-free journey, from all of us at

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