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How Much is Abuja to Abeokuta by Road?

How Much is Abuja to Abeokuta by Road?

How much is Abuja to Abeokuta by road? This article answers this question and others concerning the cost, distance, routes, etc. as regards Abuja to Abeokuta trip.

Although road transport is not the fastest and most convenient, traveling from Abuja to Abeokuta by road offers you the opportunity to explore beautiful landscapes and scenery along the way.

Here are a few heads-up for someone traveling from Abuja to Abeokuta, Ogun State.

Quick Facts

Distance: 704.1 km

Route: Via A2

Time of Travel: 10 hr 19 min

Ticket Price: $30 – $40

How Much is Transport to Abeokuta?

It costs between $30 and $40 to travel from Abuja to Abeokuta by road. This is the cost of transportation to Abeokuta from Abuja which is a total distance of 704.1 km.

Other factors may affect this price, making the price slightly vary from time to time.

How Much is Road from Abuja to Abeokuta?

The total distance from Abuja to Abeokuta, Ogun State, is approximately 704.1 km. It takes about 10 hours and 19 minutes to cover the distance from Abuja to Abeokuta.

What to Consider when Choosing a Bus from Abuja to Abeokuta

Before you embark on your journey, you might want to consider factors to determine your choice of bus or transport company. The following are some of the things you need to put in mind:


How much you are willing to spend on the trip from Abuja to Abeokuta matters when considering the type of vehicle or the Transport Company to patronize. Different companies offer different ticket prices. Make sure you do proper research before selecting the best that suits your budget.


As it is with a long-distance journey, you need to make a good selection so as to avoid getting crammed in the vehicle during the trip. One of the things you should consider is the sitting arrangement; go for the one that works best for you.


Choose a bus terminal close to where you stay in Abuja. This will enable you to get to the park on time and pick the best sitting position.


It is always to know the route the bus you are boarding usually plies. The route determines how safe and how quickly you reach your destination.

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the route the bus takes, kindly find another transport company.

Important Travel Tips

We have a couple of suggestions, especially for people visiting Abeokuta for the first time. Here we go:

  1. Be extra security conscious. There is no safer highway in Nigeria today.
  2. On the night before the journey, make sure you get some proper sleep.
  3. Leave your house early for the bus terminal so that you will get to your destination early.
  4. Keep your valuables where you can see them. Only heavy luggage should be in the trunk.
  5. Do not over-socialize with some passengers. Some people travel with criminal intentions.
  6. Drive with the driver by keeping an eye on all road signs.
  7. Maintain a steady communication flow both ways- that is with someone at home and the destination you are going.

Hope that this article helps in facilitating your trip from Abuja to Abeokuta.  

With this says, enjoy your trip.

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