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Funtaj International School accepts children without discrimination of sex, religion, race or nationality.
Admission to the Schools will be determined by the respective Head of School, with the advice of the teaching staff, based on information obtained.

The Core Values

The schools have 5 core values which will guide its development towards the establishment of an international school in the global community.

  • Excellence in all we do, with high expectations and academic success.
  • Developing independent learners and individual fulfilment.
  • Creating warm friendly relations with an emphasis on multiculturalism and a strong moral code of conduct.
  • Serving and learning with the community.
  • Providing a Healthy and Safe campus with respect for the environment.

Each of these values is embedded in the daily life of the schools, providing direction to the development of individual education. In this fashion the whole child is prepared to manage self, manage relationships and manage their own learning, work and performance.


Funtaj International School, Gudu
At Plot 584, David Jemibewon Crescent, Off Oladipo Diya Road, Gudu, Apo, Abuja.

Funtaj International School, Asokoro
No 6 Nelson Mandela Street, Off Kwame Nkruma Crescent, Off Thomas Sankara Street, Asokoro.




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