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What is the Distance from Abuja to Ibadan?

What is the Distance from Abuja to Ibadan?

What is the distance from Abuja to Ibadan by Road?  Good news, for you, has landed on the answer page.

Ibadan is the capital city of Oyo State, southwestern Nigeria. In terms of population, Ibadan is the third largest city in Nigeria coming after Lagos and Kano.

First, here are a few things to know about Abuja to Ibadan trip.

Quick Facts

  • Distance by Road: 594.3 km
  • Distance by Air: 236 nautical miles
  • Route: Via A2 and A122
  • Travel Time by Road: 9 hr 47 min
  • Travel time by Air: 2 h 50 min
  • Bus Ticket Price: $36 – $40
  • Flight Ticket Price: $185 – $237

What is the Distance between Abuja and Ibadan by Road?

The distance between Abuja and Ibadan by Road is 594. 3 kilometers and takes about 9 hours and 47 minutes to travel this distance.

What is the Distance between Abuja and Ibadan by Air?

The distance from Abuja to Ibadan is 236 nautical miles. Covering this distance by air requires a 2 hours and 50 minutes flight.

How much is Abuja to Ibadan by Road?

It costs approximately $36 to $40 to travel to Ibadan from Abuja.

Prices of bus tickets from Abuja to Ibadan vary depending on the transport company in question. There are so many factors that account for this price variation such as the route, the number of buses available, seasonal demand, and others.

How much is Abuja to Ibadan by Air?

Traveling from Abuja to Ibadan would cost about $185 to $237. This price can change from time to time.

Choosing Abuja to Ibadan Bus

Several factors have to be jotted down when you are thinking of choosing a bus from Abuja to Ibadan.


One of the things you should consider while choosing a bus is your budget. How much are you willing to spare for the journey determines the kind of bus you are to choose when traveling and the transport company you will patronize.


Your comfort should never be sacrificed because of some affiliations to one transport company or the other. If you feel the travel arrangements of a particular do not fit your preferences, please choose one that does. What better way is there to enjoy a journey than being relaxed and comfortable all through the ride?                  


Which route you follow on this journey determines how fast you reach your destination. Different companies have different routes they take, so consider picking the route that works for you.

Go for Safety

With the current security challenge in the country, Around Abuja advises that you choose safety or everything, especially when considering the route, seating arrangement, and expected time of arrival. Nigerians would say “welcome is far better than sorry”.

Proximity to Your Home

Always pick a transport company with terminals located near your home. Since the journey is sure to be stressful, you don’t want to stress yourself in Abuja even before you start the long journey ahead, would you?

Some Important Travel Tips

As you are traveling on this road, there are important travel tips that we would want you to always consider.

Consider the following while traveling:

  • If you make it early to the bus terminal, we suggest you sit beside the window
  • Carry a sweater or cardigan just in case of changes in the weather
  • Take some pain relievers, bumps and hold-ups are bound to cause you some headache
  • Keep an eye on your luggage
  • Read signposts to know your bearings. Ask the driver and other passengers for clarification
  • Keep someone at your destination abreast via text messages or calls.


The cost of traveling from Ibadan to Abuja as are the best prices you can get. Note that you can use these to get a market estimate.

We usually don’t advise you to take road-side buses when traveling.

Around Abuja is the one-stop traveling and relocation guide website you can trust. We hope our articles speak well for you.

Do enjoy your trip and have a safe one.

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