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Abuja Weather & Climate: What Is It Like?

Abuja Weather & Climate: What Is It Like?

Do you want to learn about the Abuja weather? The weather affects our daily lives in so many ways. For instance, on days when it is rainy, you aren’t likely to find people who like to jog out and about. What you would see instead are people rushing to get to wherever they are going to. So the focus of this article is what the Abuja weather and climate are like. If you would like to find out more about this topic, keep reading this article.

What is Weather and Climate and How Do They Affect Us?

Abuja weather

Since we are discussing the Abuja weather and climate, we might as well discuss what these terms actually mean. This kind of takes me back to secondary school days when we used to learn about the weather. One way we can describe weather is that it is the condition of a particular condition on a particular day, while we can describe climate as the average condition of a particular place for an extended period. This can be years.

Both weather and climate have a huge impact on our daily lives. Lifestyles are different in different parts of the world as a result of the different weather and climate that exist in different parts of the world. Weather determines what people wear, how we grow food or what kind of food is available, and it even affects what kind of resources are going to be scarce or abundant.

Abuja Weather and Climate

So, back to the question, what is the Abuja weather and climate like? You will find out all about that in subsequent paragraphs.

The climate in Abuja is tropical, like we have in some parts of Africa. And Abuja typically experiences two types of tropical climates, wet and dry climates. The weather condition in the Federal Capital Territory occurs in three forms annually. There is a warm season, there is the humid rainy season, and there is the dry season.

Abuja weather

The rainy season usually occurs starting from somewhere in April and ends somewhere in October. The temperature during this time usually reaches between 28°C and 30°C during the day and it falls to between 22°C and 23°C during the night.

During the dry season of Abuja weather, the temperature can go as high as 40°C during the day and it can drop to 15°C during the night.

A factor that impacts Abuja weather is its undulating terrain and medium altitude. Due to the city’s inland location, daily temperature changes tend to be larger than in cities that are coastal, an example of which is Lagos.

The Federal Capital Territory, although located in the center of the country, is actually one of the coldest areas that Nigeria has. It has an average daily temperature of 32°C. It is a very warm region with only a few tropical and very hot months. Abuja experiences fewer rainy days between November and April, which makes that time of the year the best time to travel.

March is usually the hottest month with an average temperature of 33C. The coldest month falls in August, with an average temperature of 26°C. The wettest month is usually May, while the windiest is usually December.


The Abuja weather and climate is a lovely one. It is not so hot as some people would expect, rather it is pleasantly warm most of the time. If you found this article helpful, leave a comment in the comment section and follow for more updates.

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