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How Many Hours is Enugu to Abuja by Road?

How Many Hours is Enugu to Abuja by Road?

If you are traveling from Enugu to Abuja by road, then you will definitely want to know the number of hours it will take for the journey. This article answers – how many hours is Enugu to Abuja by road?

In addition to the fundamental question, this article also addresses similar travel questions concerning the Enugu to Abuja journey.  In the end, you will be able to know the distance involved, the cost of transportation, and the fastest route to take when traveling from Enugu to Abuja.

Before we go deep, here’s a recap of the major information about the journey.

Enugu to Abuja by Road Quick Summary

  • Fastest Route: Lokoja – Abaji – Dawliko Rd
  • Driving Time: 7 hours and 33 min
  • Driving Distance: 440.0 km

How Many Hours is Enugu to Abuja by Bus?

Traveling from Enugu to Abuja by bus will take approximately 7 hours and 33 minutes. This travel time, however, depends on a number of factors.

The following are the notable factors that may affect the Enugu-Abuja journey:

  • Route taken
  • The type of vehicle used and its engine strength
  • The weather condition at the time of travel.
  • The speed of the vehicle
  • The driver’s skills
  • Conditions on the road such as traffic jams, illegal roadblocks, and other traffic inconsistencies.

How much does it cost from Enugu to Abuja?

So let’s get to the next question: how much does it cost from Enugu to Abuja?

The cost of transportation from Enugu to Abuja is between $20 and $25. When converted to local currency, this is somewhere between NGN9,500 and NGN11,000 based on the current exchange rate.

Equally important to note, this transport fare may vary depending on a number of factors. Some of the factors mitigating the cost of transportation from Enugu to Abuja may include one or a combination of the following:

  • Different transport companies that ply this road charge differently. This is a business factor affecting the cost of transportation for its Enugu-Abuja passengers.
  • The demand and supply of crude oil at the time. When there is fuel scarcity, transportation fares escalate. Conversely, when crude is in good supply, the prices go down a bit.
  • The nature of the vehicle coupled with the convenience
  • Additional services offered by the transport company such as air-conditioning or passenger snacks.

There are other factors that affect transport fares, the above are the notable few.

What is the Distance between Enugu and Abuja by road?

There are different routes leading to Abuja from Enugu, and each has a different distance when compared to the others. However, the shortest distance is via the Lokoja – Abaji – Dawliko Rd, which is stretched over some 440 km.

Other routes may take a longer distance by road, as the case may be because there is definitely going to be a meander from the main route.


By reading this article, you have not only seen the number of hours required to travel from Enugu to Abuja but also seen how much it costs for the journey and the total distance between Enugu and Abuja.

As always, we advise our readers to stay acquainted with some travel tips.

Safe journey as you are moving from Coal City to Abuja.  

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