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State liaison Offices are just like embassies, they represent the interest of the state. They make it easy for citizens or indigenes of that state to process some documentation or resolve certain issues. Liaison Office means a place to act as a channel of communication between the principal place (State of Origin) and the citizen.

– Definition

About State

Yobe is a state located in northeastern Nigeria. A mainly agricultural state The capital of Yobe State is Damaturu; its largest and most populated city is Potiskum. Yobe, which derived its name from River Yobe, was created as a state on 27th August1991, by the then Federal Military Administration led by retired Army General, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida.

The state borders four states: Bauchi, Borno, Gombe, and Jigawa.Yobe State shares borders with Borno State to the east, Gombe State to the south, Bauchi and Jigawa States to the west and Niger Republic to the north.[4] It borders to the north the Diffa and Zinder Regions of Niger. Because the state lies mainly in the dry savanna belt, conditions are hot and dry for most of the year, except in the southern part of the state which has more annual rainfall.


Governor Mai Mala Buni

Executive Governor, Yobe State

Yobe State Seal

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