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What Is Independence Day In Nigeria?

What Is Independence Day In Nigeria?

If you want to learn about what independence day in Nigeria is and why it is celebrated, you are going to find your answers in this article. So sit back and enjoy reading about this wonderful day in the Nigerian history.

Meaning of Independence Day in Nigeria

Every October 1st, every Nigerian, no matter where they are in any part of the world, celebrates. What are they celebrating? They are celebrating freedom. The 1st of October was the day that Nigeria’s independence from British rule was proclaimed. So the day has become an official national holiday to celebrate such an amazing time in history.

How Did Nigeria Gain Her Independence?

Independence Day

Nigeria is a West African country that is bordered by Chad, Niger, Cameroon, the Gulf of Guinea, and Benin. With over 200 million people, Nigeria is the country with the most population in West Africa.

The country’s independence took place in 1960 when the British government promulgated laws giving independence to its African colonies. At the time leading up to independence, there had been a massive movement from several African countries demanding independence.

In 1885, Nigeria was two British colonies known as the Northern and Southern Nigerian Protectorates. But both colonies were united in 1914 to form one bigger Nigerian colony.

The agitation for independence started in the 1950s when African European colonies started demanding Independence from European powers. As a result, there was widespread conflict and turmoil, and that ultimately compelled European countries to grant freedom to African countries under their rule. Many African colonies, Nigeria included, got their independence in 1960. After Nigeria gained its independence, Nnamdi Azikiwe became the first president of Nigeria.

How Is Independence Day Celebrated in Nigeria?

It is an annual celebration in Nigeria that kicks off with the Nigerian president giving an address to the nation that is broadcasted on television and radio stations. Different sectors such as the Nigerian armed forces, the Ministry of Foreign affairs, the Nigerian police, the national education services, and the workforce all celebrate Independence day.

Independence day

One of the ways this day is celebrated is primary and secondary schools perform a formal marchpast in their various local governments and state capitals. A lot of people wear white and green, the color of the Nigerian flag, to celebrate, while markets, schools, and offices close to commemorate this special day.

National Parades

Independence day

Every year on Independence day, a civil-military parade holds at Eagle Square of which top dignitaries of the Nigerian presidential cabinet are usually in attendance. The President is usually present as the Commander-in-Chief. And along with the Presidential Guard Brigade Commander, the guard of honor also comprising various paramilitary forces are inspected by the President in a car inspection.

The Nigerian Army Band Corps provide music and salutes. And the event is brought to a close by a 21-gun salute fired by an Army Artillery Regiment detachment.

Why Do Nigerians Celebrate Independence?

Well, that question is a no-brainer. It’s just like asking a woman who has just put to birth why she is happy and celebratory. It was the day that Nigeria gained its freedom and could elect her own president so it’s really a big deal, not just for Nigerians, but for every African country that has gained independence from British rule.


Independence day was the day Nigeria gained her independence from British rule and so it became a yearly celebration in Nigeria. Nigerians celebrate this day by organizing bands, parades, parties, and gatherings because the day is worth celebrating.

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